Claudelands Rovers 2023 Season AGM

The Claudelands Rovers AGM for the 2023 season will be held on Thursday the 18th of April at 7.30pm in the clubrooms at Galloway Park, 86 Galloway Street, Hamilton East. There is no need to pre-register your attendance as we will record all members present on the evening.

The agenda, minutes from last years meeting as well as nomination forms can be found be low. Nominations must be received by the Club no later than 8pm on Wednesday April 17 2024. Completed forms can be emailed to or hand delivered to the Clubroom bar at Galloway Park.

Claudelands Rovers AGM

The Claudelands Rovers AGM will be held on Thursday the 6th of April at 8pm in the clubrooms at Galloway Park, 86 Galloway Street, Hamilton East. There is no need to pre-register your attendance as we will record all members present on the evening.

The agenda, minutes from last years meeting as well as nomination forms can be found be low. Nominations must be received by the Club no later than 8pm on 5 April 2023. Completed forms can be emailed to or hand delivered to the Clubroom bar at Galloway Park.

WaiBOP teams muster!

All men and women wishing to play in a WaiBOP Division 1 or below team (including Men’s Over 35’s) are invited to our social musters February 16 and 22, 2023 – time TBC.

This is your chance to talk to your respective reps, find out more about the upcoming season, meet your team, and have a kick around.

We will be putting on a BBQ and opening the bar afterwards (around 7.30pm).

Registering for 2023

Registrations for our Centenary Year, 2023, are open!

A note from the committee: due to issues in the past, 2023 will be a “pay before you play” season.

This means you will need to pay your registration in full before you can complete your registration. This will need to be paid using a credit card.

Those players returning to Rovers will need to log into Friendly Manager, and click the green ‘re-register’ button at the top right of your profile page.

If you are unsure of which Senior team you will be playing in, please wait until after the musters (16th and 22nd February) and speak to your rep – Geoff or Abbi.

All junior registrations are guided by the year your child was born. If changes are to be made before the season begins (we can field more than one team, for example), we can action that at the time. You are okay to register when you are ready.

If you would like further information regarding the paying of fees, please contact your corresponding rep:,, or

If you are a returning member and have forgotten your password, email and we will send you a new one. Also, please check that the details on your profile are up to date.