ALERT Level 2 Update

Hi Everyone,


We appreciate that this has been a difficult time for all, not knowing what was going to happen with our season and we thank you for your patience and understanding. We know all of you will be extremely excited to be able to kick a footy around finally!

Tonight WaiBoP have released their guidelines for all clubs to follow and strictly adhere to, prior to a return to training, in particular with regard to contact tracing and maximum numbers of people allowed. Please refer to the below bullet points which provide more detail around gatherings and training tips.

The committee will be meeting to discuss the club’s own protocols and guidelines and further information will be released once we have discussed the best and simplest way forward, to allow our members to return to training as soon as possible.

As per the communication from WaiBoP, there will be NO training on council grounds until the councils are satisfied that clubs can and are meeting the requirements set out by council. WaiBoP will be sharing with councils, all the information they send to the clubs to ensure the council is comfortable that clubs are aware of all necessary requirements.

At this stage we would like to ask that no teams train until Thursday 21 May at the earliest. This is to ensure we have effectively communicated the required guidelines and expectations to all coaches, players and parents prior to any activity.

To support contact tracing requirements, NZF have stipulated that all players must be registered with COMET prior to the commencement of any training. Please note that the club will release further information with regards to this in the coming days.


Bullet Points for Trainings

Gathering tips:

  • If you are scheduling trainings:
    • give appropriate timings for teams to arrive and leave without overlapping
    • ask parents to stay in cars
    • request and enforce no spectators
    • state where drop off and pick up areas are

Training Tips:

  • refrain from drills or activities that require direct physical contact e.g. high fives
  • have hygiene measures readily available – disinfectant, sanitizer
  • come to training fully prepared (no changing needed)
  • there is to be no spitting at any time during
  • equipment is to be disinfected before and after training


Again, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding at this time and please stay tuned for further updates in the coming days.




Alan Wilkie


UPDATE WaiBOP League Scenarios – Waikato

Hopefully this latest update from WaiBoP finds you all well and still raring to go for an eventual kick-off to the football season.


Hi Club Administrators

Hope you are all keeping safe and well.

We have had requests from some clubs regarding likely playing scenarios with the shortened season, so it seems timely to update all clubs.  We have been doing extensive work behind the scenes on this and looking at how our leagues would work with a variety of different start dates.

I have included below the likely scenarios, should our leagues be able to start on the 30th May and there being no travel restrictions in place.

We have had a lot of discussions around scenarios involving travel restrictions (both within our federation and with the other federations that would also be affected by travel restrictions), but I feel that these are very difficult to outline without a clear indication from the Government, Sport NZ and NZ Football as to what those travel restrictions would look like.  However, please be assured that we will be working with clubs to ensure that we can include all possible teams in our leagues, should travel restrictions be in place.



(Note: these are all subject to change, no start date is yet confirmed)


12 team leagues

Start date Saturday 30th May, finish date Saturday 12th September

16 weeks

Play one full round, plus a split into top six, bottom six



7 team league

Start date Sunday 31st May, finish date Sunday 30th August

14 weeks

Play two full rounds



10 team leagues

Start date Saturday 30th May, finish date Saturday 29th August/5th September

14/15 weeks

Play one full round, plus a split into top four, bottom six



12 team league

Start date Saturday 30th May, finish date Saturday 12th September

16 weeks

Play one full round, plus a split into top six, bottom six



Change divisions to be 4 x 8 team divisions and 1 x 10 team division (Clubs to be placed in divisions based on 2020 requests, and 2019 finishing placings)

Start date Saturday 30th May, finish date Saturday 29th August/5th September

14/15 weeks

8 team leagues play two full rounds; 10 team league plays one full round plus a split into top four, bottom six



Division 1 – 8 team league, Division 2 – 10 team league

Start date Sunday 31st May, finish date Sunday 30th August/Sunday 6th September

14/15 weeks

Division 1 – two full rounds

Division 2 – one full round plus a split into top four, bottom six


The Waikato Cup and Plate for Men and Women, will not be going ahead in 2020 to allow us to focus on getting the leagues completed, and all teams playing as many games as possible.


NOTE: In all leagues, there will be no postponements accepted from clubs unless games can be played mid-week, to allow any catch-up Saturdays or Sundays for weather cancellations.



As there are a large number of different scenarios within all of these leagues, and some uncertainty still around AIMS Games, and a revised format for NZ Secondary Schools tournament week, then we will confirm individual league formats once we have a confirmed start date and a clearer idea on tournaments.



Start date Saturday 6th June (Saturday after Queens Birthday), extend the finish date to Saturday 5th September

Round 1 – 6 team divisions where possible (home or away); Round 2 – 8 team divisions where possible (home or away)


We will keep clubs updated as soon as we have any further information to hand on likely start dates.


For further information on what sport can take place in Alert Level 3, please see the Sport NZ website:


Regards, Catherine

Catherine Clark
Competitions Manager, WaiBOP Football Federation