Coaches are a vital part of all sports teams.  New Zealand Football have developed a pathway for Coaches who wish to be more involved in the game. We are committed to working with WaiBOP Football Federation in promoting and providing opportunities for our coaches to gain qualifications and support on going learning. Where possible we will endeavor to host coaching courses at our club rooms.

Coaching course dates for 2025 are yet to be confirmed.

Coaching courses

Coaching courses are facilitated by WaiBOP Football Federation and fall under the following categories:

Coaching resources

Player Welfare also forms a big part of coaching education, Fit for Football have developed a complete warm up programme designed to reduce injuries among players. It is designed to replace a traditional warm-up and has been scientifically validated and proven to reduce the risk of all injury by 30% and severe injuries by 50%.  For more information, visit Fit For Football.